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For healthy human, squat is an useful position, traditionally a work position, a rest position, a play position and a pooping position. All toddlers can do squat masterfully before they can stand and walk. Now, we have lost our ability through years of living in poor movement patterns.

Unless squat is already easy for you (which is rare nowadays), perform the following checklists to see if you have mastered the whole spectrum of squatting:-

1) you can squat but could not fluidly switch to other variation such as single leg squat, wide squat or narrow squat;

2) can you perform transition to other position from squat such as from squat to stand and sit;

3) can you squat without experiencing discomfort such as numbness on your legs or pain in the knees etc.

If your squat position suffers from some or all these issues, you are at risk of losing your “squat-ability”.

For me, such lost cannot be taken lightly and it helps to look at the consequences of such inability to understand its importance. One thing leads to another. Squat is part of the chain to other movement, usually affecting the transition down from standing to squatting to sitting.

The inability to squat may have consequence beyond the inconvenience of movement itself. Inability to squat stem from the poor structure of the lower back caused by poor mobility and lack of strength. Lack of mobility and strength in the lower back will consequently cause weak legs, uneven pressure on the knees, and stiffness and compression of nerve due to poor posture while bending forward.

You need not wait for long to experience aches, pains and numbness in your lower back, knees, legs if you could not recall when was your last squat.

It’s weird that people do not place these basic movement as part of your fitness workout plan. Well, in my view, regaining the ability to squat and get up and down with ease is a kind of result that health wise matters more than losing an inch off your waistline. Do you agree?

To be able squat or to make your squat even more efficient, practice Catalist technique of regaining your lower back and pelvis mobility and strength and usually, you will regain your squat in a matter of months.

By Michelle Tai

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