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Journey Within partners with both individuals and companies to develop customized programs to encourage mental and physical growth.
We offer one-off courses but also encourage long-term programs to ensure new ideas and frameworks lead to lasting change.

Classes for Organizations

We offer spine care classes and programs for organizations.

Certified Trainer Program

Be a Certified CATalist or Yoga Trainer today!

Therapy Sessions for Individuals

We offer spine care sessions for individuals or small groups.

Class Fees & Schedule

Join a class today!

Preview Presentation

How do you relieve pain through posture correction and mindfulness? How does our posture affect our daily life? Want to learn more about our CATALIST program?

Let us come to you to share our knowledge and more in this 1-hour presentation – Free of Charge!

One-off Event, Workshop
or Retreat

Event, Workshop or Retreat

We are experts at creating events and retreats to suit your needs, whether it be single events or an ongoing plan to develop and mature your teams or organizations over time.
We’ll help you from A-Z in your team building program by:

  • Identifying your team’s specific needs.
  • Picking the right combination of body and mind solutions to rejuvenate and motivate your team.
  • Teaching body healing and mindfulness techniques for stress relief and tension release.
  • Building trust and empathy among team members.
  • Boosting your team’s sense of purpose.
  • Developing a happier work culture for your team.

For more details, feel free to contact us!

One-day or Half-day Workshop

What’s that big foam strip used for in CATalist? How do I relieve stress using mindfulness? Want to get the answers and first-hand experience of physical and mental wellness techniques? Sign up for our one-day or half-day workshops today!

Benefits of Our Workshops Include:
  • Relieve body pain & stiffness
  • Stress management
  • Gain better posture
  • Induce relaxation in the body
  • Better performance at work

Spine Care Workshop

  • Straightens up Your spine
  • Keeps your shoulders free from tension
  • Trains your spine to support your head

Addresses : Hunched back, Shoulder/Neck stiffness and pain, Numbness in the arm, Fatigue, Tiredness and Poor posture

Upper Back Workshop

  • Softens and releases upper back tension
  • Release tension from the head and neck
  • Keep the neck lengthened

Addresses: Migraine/Headache, Tiredness and fatigue, Stress-related illnesses, Sore and tired neck

Lower Back Workshop

  • Softens and releases tension at the lower back
  • Restores lower back alignment
  • Builds strength in the lower back

Addresses : Lower back pain, Lower back herniation, Slipped disc, Hip/Knee/Ankle pain, Sciatica, Numbness, Tingling sensation in lower back

Mindfulness Workshop

  • Sessions for rejuvenating the mind
  • Build up your own toolbox of coping strategies
  • Understand and take ownership of your own mental health

Addresses : Constant Stress, Depression, Low energy mood, Lack of motivation, Anger issues, Difficulty calming down, Headaches and Stress-related illness.

Weekly CATALIST Program


CATALIST is an approach to yoga pioneered by Gert van Leeuwen, a Dutch yoga teacher from the Netherlands. The main idea behind this approach is to stimulate and align the spinal column in order to restore mobility, balance and a sense of freedom to the entire body.

In contrast to traditional yoga methods which include elements of willpower and endurance, CATALIST focuses instead on relaxation and resting postures, foundations that already exist in your body. Besides encouraging untrained or less able students, this emphasis on relaxation maximizes efficiency as well. Furthermore, by exploring habitual postures, breathing and movements that you’ve learned in the past—you empower yourself to change them for the better, even under the same pressures and conditions.

The basic CATALIST session involves the use of specialized props, such as a rubber strip to relieve muscle stiffness and correct poor posture that may block or limit movement in major joints and limbs. Other targeted exercises aim to mobilize unused muscles and build postural strength. At the same time, proper mind-body coordination is emphasized to encourage healthy movement patterns, pain reduction and injury prevention.

Our CATALIST Course promises to teach you how to:

  1. Sit and stand pain-free for long hours
  2. Eliminate body tension
  3. Gain a better posture outlook, making you actually look taller and younger
  4. Identify and correct bodily stress responses that limit your actions and possibilities.
  5. Redirect negative and ineffective moods, creating a positive working mood.
  6. Application of a centered body sensibility at work and at home.
  7. Center yourself quickly and respond calmly to stressful situations.

Our CATALIST Course includes:

  1. Weekly formal sessions 
  2. Posture check on all participants
  3. One-to-one therapy session for participants with pre-existing aches and pain issues.
  4. Complimentary MindSolution workshop:
    • Encourage inner peace and joy
    • Increase mental focus, clarity, and awareness.
    • Enhance productivity, innovation, creativity in the workplace
    • Promote healthy relationships and communication among co-workers.

We see actual, real improvements!