Source: Chicken chest for the ego not for the soul.
Chicken chest for the ego not for the soul.
Years ago, my dear brother asked me “will I develop chicken chest if I practice Yoga regularly”? I had no answer at that moment. Since then,
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禪修篇一 : 感官抽离
縱觀現今許多世界聞名的瑜珈老師,包括己逝世的前輩們,都把瑜珈里的禪修部份給“當”掉了.這里所謂的“當”掉是指他們當中并沒有一個真正說出了禪修的意涵與方法. 如果我們仔細研究班坦加利的瑜珈經,後四章只專注在心念的修習,也就是禪修部份,說明瑜珈原本就是禪修,但經由許多當今世界聞名的瑜珈老師的詮釋, 卻成了一些光怪陸离的禪修方法. 例如有的把禪修說成是操作不停止的流串瑜珈動作從而進入心念深處; 有的抱著“當下正念”四個字當寶貝,自我感覺良好一番;也有的說成只要停留在身体倒立狀態超開30分鐘才算禪修,我見過最可笑的是把雙掌蓋住雙眼然后說成是感官的抽离… 其實,大部份的瑜珈行者花在形体上的鍛練,都己用了大半世,甚至用了一生的精力,所以,在真正禪修方面有所忽略了原是無可厚非,情有可諒,但應該不知為不知, 倘若把學生引向錯誤的禪修技巧則罪過不小. 大馬瑜珈行者或瑜珈館的确是可以為社會大眾提供心靈滌洗的高尚服務, 但前提是必須厘清本身技藝的純度與深度, 而不是只提供肢体表演, 自娛娛人罷了.
Give your butt a break
It must have been the fourth month now, that I witnessed someone dearest to me suffered from constant excruciating pain in the lower abdomen region. Throughout
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The future of Yoga
As teacher, I have a great responsibility toward my students. As Yoga studio owner and representatives of Yoga, the practice that I have chosen to adopt
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Are we teaching Yoga for the good or for the worse?
Like most Yoga practitioners all over the world, my first encounter to Yoga came by way of a style that was physically demanding and emphasized strength,
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Yoga, are you serious about it?
On my first day of TTC, I remembered a session of theory teaching by an overseas guest teacher about the meaning of Samathi (the 8th limb
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“I’m too fat” “I’ll be happy if he changes” I’m always like that” “I wonder if she likes me” “I’ll never be as good as him”
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Five years ago, when I left my legal career of 10 years, I was looking for another form of “success,” something more than just an accumulation
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Just a little introduction about our Ego. When you were born into the physical world you were fully present, even though you were only a tiny
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