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Corporate Programs

Customized Programs for Organisations and Companies

Corporate Programs

Customized Programs for Organisations and Companies

Catalyzing Comfortable and Confident Employees with CATALIST

Journey Within specializes in providing comprehensive and sustainable solutions for workplace posture issues, mental wellness and positive company culture development through our CATALIST Body-Mind Solution programs.

Despite enjoying a healthy bottom line, most companies have unhealthy employees and even toxic cultures.

We here at Journey Within believe that changing a poor culture to a healthy one is impossible without first changing our bodies and minds.

How we sit, stand and move can affect the way we think, speak and respond to stress at work.

Our approach to changing organizations by changing postures is a unique form of corporate training and team-building because we engage the both mental and physical aspects of each and every individual employee.

Our CATALIST Body-Mind Solution will help your employees and teams stay grounded in your organization’s values while facing high-pressure business situations, overcoming challenges and achieving goals.

Our Services

Journey Within works with a variety of companies to develop customized programs to encourage physical, mental and organizational well-being.
We offer one-off courses but also encourage long-term programs to ensure new ideas and frameworks lead to lasting change.

What are you interested in?


For the past 3 months, our team had joined the CATalist Programme (Critical Alignment Therapy – Body & Mind Solution) conducted by good instructors at Journey Within Studio.

We practiced correct breathing to relax our body then used props to do simple exercises that would help to return our spine and body to their rightful positions.

Well, we wouldn’t consider ourselves too old but when our body is in pain just by lying down practicing breathing, we all know that we seriously need to be more aware of the way we carry our body. As our instructor, Michelle said, “This is a lifetime practice.”

Very nice session today, thank you everyone for adding colors on me.


謝謝每一位每一筆的力量 ?

Chew Yoong

I love my ‘village’ now. Thank you for the session!

Lay Hoon

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the CATALIST program and other corporate development programs?

Our CATALIST program views the body as not just as a motor system with legs, arms, torso and muscles, but also emotions, mental health, learning and working with other individuals.

Rather than seeking to fix individuals through motivational training, self-improvement or confidence building courses, we aim to develop mature personalities, individual responsibility and commitment to one’s own health, starting with the body. 

Why start with the body?

When you train your body, and not just your mind, you become a different actor in the world who is capable of taking different, flexible approaches to familiar problems.

A tense body that is not given a chance to release that stress will push its muscles, organs and joints to their breaking point.

As a result, this tension will manifest in one’s life as stress, anxiety, inability to enjoy life and depression.

Through CATALIST, working with your body does not mean just losing weight, building biceps or six-packs, it also involves training yourself to be a contented, resilient and effective person at work and in life.

Do you provide after-program therapy and other support for employees?


After-program support is necessary for employees who have more serious issues such as muscoskeletal problems which cannot be addressed on a one-on-one basis in the weekly formal session. 

One-to-one counselling sessions can have a large impact in complimenting and reinforcing the lessons learned during the programs.

Who should participate in the program(s)?

Employees of varying positions such as executives, teams, managers, board members, directors and emerging leaders are welcome to join our weekly or one-off programs.

We can also arrange separate sessions for board members and directors for your company’s convenience.

How many people can participate in the program(s)?

We can work with small teams and groups up to large departments and company-wide numbers of people.

However, program size may vary depending on your specific organizational goals and needs. Feel free to contact us in order to determine the best program that works for you and your company.

Where are the programs conducted?

Programs can be held at corporate offices or in an off-site retreat that suits your company. We are also happy to host programs at our Journey Within studio. Please contact us in order to discuss where we should host your program!

Catalyzing 12 Years of Change

Our CATALIST Body-Mind Solution programs have already improved the physical posture and mental well-being of hundreds of employees across dozens of diverse organizations including SMEs, public-listed companies, schools and universities.

A note from founder Michelle Tai

Improving your physical and mental health wherever you are!

Catalyzing New Beginnings

The Free Online Dictionary defines “catalyst” as “a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change”.

To me then, being a CATALIST is changing an idea or its direction in a positive manner, bringing people along on that idea and then moving forward together on that idea.

I Have Experience in Sitting

Whenever I start my training sessions, I usually start by asking the class: “how many years of experience do you have in sitting and walking?” They often burst into laughter. But when I ask instead “how many years of experience do you have in commercial banking, accounting or law?,” there’s no laughter. It’s a serious question that demands a serious answer.

One of the recipes for success is experience in your field of expertise. If you have 10 years in commercial banking, it will easier for you to gain more opportunities in banking. Experience in this regard equals success.

Then why is it that we do not consider time spent sitting, walking and standing as “experience”? And why is “success” in these everyday activities not as important?

The reason I believe that this is so is because we perform these activities in a highly automated and thoughtless manner. You don’t become better at sitting the more you sit. And the way you walk at 20 years old is exactly the same way you walk at 40, with no significant improvement over time.

Sitting Yourself to Success

During our childhood, we learned to walk by imitating a model. And the more we walked with this model, the better we became. However, as we grew older, we stopped learning and depended on these outdated and unsuitable models, walking thoughtlessly.

Then slowly but surely, you start to sit, walk and stand ever more rigidly. This causes your muscles, tendons and body structure to misalign and impact your everyday life with soreness, pain, sprains and even falls.

One could even extend this idea to work. If one works mechanically and thoughtlessly just like how they walk, they will not advance or improve as an employee or a person because time spent has not catalyzed into experience that leads to improvement and growth.

Doing something repeatedly doesn’t always translate into experience and success, it needs a catalyst.

And we CATALISTs are here to help.

Quality Catalists

We have the most rigorous standards for our teachers of any leadership training organization. We deliver leadership in action and assure a level of mastery that would make even our own mentors proud.

Spine Therapy