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I am still feeling kind of sentimental about the old memory back when I was in primary school. That was the good old times when Wawasan 2020 served as all Malaysian’s ideal.

Almost every essay’s topic was associated with our Wawasan 2020. We often joked, how aged we would be by 2020 and it seems like too far ahead to really foresee its arrival.

Year 2020 finally touching the reality, which to me, still play a significant influence to add a “big deal” colour to the New Year of 2020. Of course, regrettably Wawasan 2020 still remains an ideal, far off the mark.

A very important lesson learnt, that even a country’s vision has missed its key aspiration.

What about us in Journey Within?

A defining moment for Journey Within arrived in the form of our vision for Catalist Movement. It is a 10-year term goal introduced 3 years ago (at the 10th year anniversary of Journey Within).

The idea is to take a stand for fulfillment, connection and full expression of our vision to carry to the world a new way of taking charge of the health of our minds and bodies.

In other words, it is commitment to heighten quality of our lives through practice of centered posture, breathing, in order to have a stable base for healthy mental and emotional wellbeing.

This appears in the cover page of our latest training manual :-

“The real crisis of the world is not war, is not pollution and is not politics. The main problem of human mankind is that we have forgotten our way HOME”.

In the field of our vision, we differentiate ourselves quite clearly from others in our new interpretation of learning and training teachers that produces commitment, passion and a centered presence.

You may be new to the idea of centered presence. There is a story from ancient China that illustrates this principle.

When some rich clients chose his banker in the ancient days, he would have a spy spying on the shoes of the banker in order to inspect the bottom of the banker’s shoes to see how they were worn. This would reflect whether the banker walked in a centered way which indicated that the banker was also balanced mentally and emotionally and hence, could be trusted with their finances.

The body we are will be the type of person we are.

For example, think of a person, (or maybe yourself) whose shoulders are rounded with the head over-hang forward and causing sunken chest. This misaligned positioning of the head places great pressure (depend on the degree of forward headed location) on the internal organs, especially the heart, lungs and stomach. In this position, oxygen and blood transportation is diminished to the head and limbs as well as other organs including the brain making the body system dull and tired.

Such shape of the spine, in compensation causes the long muscles along the side body, shoulder and neck to ache from the chronic effort to be upright. When we cannot breathe fully, the digestion, blood and air circulation will be disturbed causing low grade chronic aches and pain and this pain needs attention and always makes it difficult to stay present with your present important business at hand, your “Wawasan 2020”.

In other words, if this person can be centered in posture, being upright relaxed and in harmony with gravity, the possibility of reaching your vision will be much closer with the body and mind’s support, in comparison to the person I described earlier.

If our breath is shallow, rapid in the chest, harden all over shoulder and neck, if we are tensing our eyes and portrayed icy-cold smile on our faces, we will have difficulty trusting our own capability for action and will be difficult for others to trust us too.

My example is by no means an exaggeration. Everywhere I visited to present our Catalist program, I have seen individual, corporate executives, CEOs, directors and organisation’s leaders who have already quit in their bodies and in doing so have severely limited the depth of their potential for any “Wawasan”.

What is missing in mainstream corporate training is a set of practices that will allows people to modify his body in a way that shows consistency with his commitment to their vision.

Catalist’s Wawasan is to fill the missing puzzle by bringing a set of practices that allows new shape to emerge, to come to life by taking action to come out from the prisoner of your body and also, mind.

May this 2020 brings to you new posture, new visions, new achievements, and a lot of new inspirations for life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with joy and fulfillment.

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